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Dr. Mikdat Cavdar

Mesotherapy | PRP | Health Tourism in Istanbul

who am i

Dr. Mikdat Cavdar

DR. Mikdat Cavdar was born in Kırşehir in 1980.

He completed his medical education at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2006.

Between 2006 and 2010, he worked as an emergency physician, chief physician and other executive physician positions in the public sector.

Since 2010, he has started working on mesotherapy, skin renewal and rejuvenation applications, hair loss applications and treatment methods in many private hospitals and health institutions in Istanbul.

In 2018, T.R. He received the Mesotherapy Application Training and certificate organized by the Ministry of Health.

As a member of many important associations at home and abroad in the field of skin renewal and rejuvenation, he participated in many seminars, meetings, congresses and workshops on facial and hair mesotherapy applications.

And still; He continues to provide services in his private practice on mesotherapy and combined treatments, hair PRP and mesotherapy and hair loss treatments, non-surgical skin renewal and skin rejuvenation applications.

Dr. Mikdat Cavdar is married and the father of 2 beautiful girls and 1 boy.

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