Frequently Asked Questions
Mesotherapy is the process of injecting a mixture of various minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes into the defective area. This method is used to improve formations such as wrinkles, spots, cracks and wounds, and is generally preferred for skin rejuvenation.
Before the procedure, an anesthetic cream is applied to the application area. The contents prepared according to the body's needs or in the form of a ready-made cocktail are injected under the skin. Usually, multiple injections will be required.
The sessions are repeated at 15-day intervals. (3-4 sessions or more according to your doctor's plan)
Complications such as redness, burning sensation, swelling, and mild pain in the injection area are possible effects that are expected to disappear on their own within a few days.
After mesotherapy, skin contact with water should be avoided for the first 24 hours. If applied to the body, tight clothing should not be worn. If facial mesotherapy was applied, cosmetic products should not be used for the first 24 hours. The application area should not be scratched, should not be touched for the first few hours, and should be protected against infection.
Mesotherapy application usually starts to show its effects from the 2nd session. With the continuing sessions, the signs of rejuvenation and revitalization on the skin increase.